So that was me. From the outside, it looked like I had this hugely successful corporate career, and in a sense I did. I also absolutely loved what I did, however I really wanted to be there for my kids. So, I was trying to do it all – a good wife, a great mother and a successful professional.

I'd stay up really, really late and get up really early, trying to get everything done. I was probably getting less than five hours sleep a night. I would start my day at 5:00 am with some exercise, then drop my daughters to school and then I would race to work, often not having time for any breakfast. I'd just grab a coffee to get through the day. Often, I wouldn't have lunch, as I was too busy working trying to get everything done. I'd just have another coffee and maybe a muesli bar that I had in my handbag. I would just push through.

At the time, I thought I was prioritising my health, because to me, health was exercise and nutrition. I would prioritise cooking a nutritious dinner for my family every night, over resting or doing something for myself. In hindsight, I now realise, I had terrible brain fog as I wasn’t fuelling my body. If I knew then what I know now about how important it was, and the difference it made to my body, by having a healthy breakfast with protein, and having lunch, I would've made the effort. I just prioritised doing it for everyone else, and not me that was the thing.

So that was me, not getting enough sleep, zero time for self-care and when I did my health will, it highlighted to me that I was doing great on exercise and some nutrition, but I was not great in sleep, self-care, or stress. Which resulted in me feeling tired all the time and running on empty. This is where my interest in health coaching came from. I realised there was a whole lot more to health than just exercise and nutrition. There is so much I have learnt in my journey that I want to share with my clients.

I get so much joy from working with my clients to identify what is feasible with their lifestyle at that moment. Often it is really small, really simple habits that give them back some of themselves. I know, from my own experience, that the reality is there's no way we can change everything instantly.

I understand that it can feel overwhelming, for my clients, and that they don't know where to start or feel they can't make lots of changes at once. I'm here to tell them that I'll work with them to help them with the small tiny habits, one step at a time, so that it isn't overwhelming. So that they can still do all the things that they do in their life, but start to feel better, and start on their journey.