9 Common Signs That Tell You Your Gut Needs Support

gut brain connection gut health gut microbiome healthtips healthy gut healthyliving Jun 23, 2023

"Whether we realise it or not, all of us are responsible for creating the body we live in'. - Deepak Chopra

Do you want to live a healthier life and learn more about how to boost your well-being? Where to begin can be daunting; however, looking at your lifestyle will provide some interesting clues and direct you to a good starting point. Although everyone's health journey is different, we all have one thing in common—the gut is the core of ALL.  

It is the central hub of your body's well-being. So, the digestive system is a great place to begin your health reset and rejuvenation. You can take your own quick 'Gut Check Up' at the end of this article!

What Influences the Health of Our Gut?

Lifestyle factors such as a poor diet, lack of sleep, chronic stress, drugs, alcohol and certain medications can disrupt the delicate balance of the microbiome. And we need these amazing little microbial warriors—they are vital in helping us to digest, absorb, and utilise nutrients from our food, support our immune system, provide us with energy and so much more.

Amid the busyness of life, we often don't listen to the messages our body whispers. Take a few minutes to stop and tune into your body, as it might have something important to share with you. Self-awareness is self-care; listen to your body as you would listen to a friend.

Over 2000 years ago, Hippocrates (the father of Medicine) said, 'All disease begins in the gut.'

Today, we understand a balanced, healthy gut's vital role in our overall well-being. Dysbiosis (a condition caused by an imbalanced microbiome) and poor gut health can lead to reduced nutrient absorption, chronic inflammation, oxidative stress, and ineffective waste elimination. These issues can have wide-ranging effects throughout your body.

Our bodies are complex and incredible machines that operate as one interconnected "system", and extensive research now demonstrates the link between gut health and our mental, hormonal (endocrine), gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, integumentary (skin), and immune systems.

How Do I Know If My Gut Needs Some Love and Attention?

With more bacteria residing in your gut than the total cells in your entire body, it's evident that an imbalance in your gut can impact your health. Here are nine common signs of gut imbalance. While these symptoms can stem from several factors, restoring your gut balance is the perfect place to start:

1. Uncomfortable/upset stomach: Gas, bloating, reflux, heartburn, constipation, or diarrhoea can all be signs of an unhealthy gut. A balanced gut processes and eliminate food efficiently, resulting in fewer symptoms.

2. Lack of energy, tiredness or constant fatigue: "You are not what you eat; you are what you can absorb, assimilate and utilise". Your digestive tract plays a vital role in breaking down food and absorbing the critical nutrients for energy. Are you frequently waking up feeling tired, lacking energy or searching for that afternoon pick-me-up? These may be signs that even if you have a healthy diet—an imbalance in your gut may be impacting your body's ability to break down the food you eat and provide those essential energy-enforcing nutrients.

3. Mental clarity, brain fog, mood changes, anxiety or poor mental health: Many factors can impact our mental well-being; research has revealed a growing connection between the gut and mental health. An incredible 96% of serotonin, your 'happy/feel good' neurotransmitter, originates from your digestive system. Therefore, an imbalance in your gut can affect your ability to focus, concentrate, clarity, mood and overall happiness. 4. Poor sleep or sleep disturbance: An imbalance in gut bacteria has been linked to disrupted sleep and short sleep duration, leading to fatigue and lack of energy. Studies have identified that the composition of our gut microbiome influences our sleep efficiency and time. So, in other words, we increase our chances of a restful and peaceful night's sleep—the more our gut microbiome is balanced and flourishing.

5. Weight gain or weight loss: Do you experience weight fluctuations without changes in diet or exercise? If yes, there is a simple answer…it could indicate an unhealthy gut.

Weight gain— an imbalanced gut can reduce your body's ability to absorb nutrients, regulate blood sugar, and store fat. An increase in weight may also be caused by inflammation, insulin resistance or hormone imbalance, mainly if you are eating a high-sugar diet, which can reduce the amount of "good" bacteria and diversity in your gut.

Weight loss—may be caused by an imbalance of bacteria in the small intestine, affecting nutrient absorption.  

6. Poor skin health: Conditions such as eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, or acne may be related to lower concentrations of beneficial bacteria impacting your immune system. The glow comes from within; healthy skin starts in the gut.

7. Weak immune system: An unhealthy gut can compromise your immune. Do you get sick easily, experience frequent infections and joint pain or suffer from autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto's, Graves, Lupus, or MS? The foods we eat influence our gut bacteria diversity, which in turn, affects immune cells. A diet- high in plant-based fibre supports and builds healthy, strong immunity.

8. Food Sensitivities or intolerances: When your body has difficulty digesting certain foods, e.g. lactose or gluten— this may be caused by poor or unbalanced gut bacteria. Research also links food allergies to a digestive-stimulated immune response. Eating these trigger foods can lead to bloating, gas, abdominal pain, reflux, nausea or diarrhoea.

9. Food cravings: The population of 'good' and 'bad' bacteria immensely influences your food choices and desires. They send messages via the enteric nervous system to the brain to sway and coax your taste buds. Imbalances in certain bacteria can trigger specific cravings—for example, yeast overgrowth will initiate a desire for sugar, which feeds yeast. Other bacteria crave fat, carbohydrates and fibre; you can find yourself reaching for these foods to satisfy those bacterial hunger pains.

Quick Gut Check Up: Do you experience any of these signs and symptoms?

If you ticked any of these boxes, don't worry; you are not alone. I have some simple changes to help you restore and reset your gut.

Book your FREE 15-minute call to begin your steps to a healthier and happy life.

I look forward to seeing you shine and having abundant energy!

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