Green Gut Glow


Picture yourself feeling incredibly healthy and vibrant with a clear and calm mind that allows you to soar in productivity daily. You feel happy and at your very best.

Are you ready to wake up revitalised after a good night's sleep, embracing each day with boundless energy?

Well, it's possible! When you are healthy on the inside, your body will radiate with pure vitality. The gut is the source of this inspiration and for your entire well-being. It is responsible for absorbing nutrients into the body; if this is compromised, your energy, health and mood may be affected. 

Hippocrates, the father of natural medicine, declared over 2000 years ago that 'all disease begins in the gut'. In recent decades research has provided significant insight into the impact of gut health on the body, linking poor digestion and dysfunction to various illnesses.

I like to say…'All Health Begins In The Gut'.  

The Gut Health Connection Explained.

The term' gut microbiome' refers to the intricate ecosystem of microorganisms in our digestive system. Over 1000 different species of gut bacteria thrive and strive to maintain our health every day. Your gut contains more bacteria than the total number of cells in your body. Thus, giving them some TLC and prioritising their care in your daily health routine is vital.

Our microbiome lives harmoniously and in balance in an ideal world to support our overall health and well-being. This essential ecosystem, with its nourishing army of trillions of bacteria, helps us to:

  • Process food and absorb nutrients critical for optimal and sustained energy.
  • Support a strong immune system. A significant 70% of the immune system resides in the gut, where diverse bacteria are best.
  • Regulate our hormones, particularly those associated with hunger, fullness, satiety, and appetite (or cravings) for certain foods.
  • Stabilise and support our overall mood and happiness. Did you know that 96% of the serotonin in your body, which is responsible for making you feel happy and good, originates from your gut? An unhappy digestive system can affect your mental health, leading to low moods, brain fog, lack of focus, irritability, anxiety, and diminished mental clarity.
  • Improve and maintain healthy sleep patterns. A good night's rest is essential for our immune system, clarity and concentration, reducing inflammation and supporting healthy body weight.
  • Support healthy metabolism and glowing skin.
  • Maintain optimal well-being.

Could your gut do with a reset?



A 3-in-1 revitalising shot to enhance energy levels, aid digestion, reduce bloating, and promote healthy and radiant skin.
Learn more

3 Powerhouse Ingredients

BeWell Superfood Greens

Boosts nutrients to provide energy and support immune health with 36 fruits and vegetables from all the colours of the rainbow; contains prebiotic fibre to support good gut bacteria and important phytonutrients and antioxidants to support a strong immune system. 


Gut Microbiome Support

Contains Probiotics that add healthy, live bacteria to your gut microbiome; Prebiotics provide ‘food’ that feed the good bacteria (probiotics); Digestive enzymes improve digestion and absorption of nutrients for more energy and support a healthy gut microbiome to help reduce bloat.

Skin Elixir Collagen Builder

Collagen (a type of protein) plays an important role in building and supporting tissues, bones, cartilage, connective tissue and the digestive system. Supports healthy skin, hair and nails combined with hyaluronic acid, Vitamin C and Biotin to support glowing skin from the inside out.

Check out the Green Gut Glow Bundle

Sharon Gleeson

Certified Health Coach

As a mum of two, having juggled a demanding corporate career and run my own business, I understand the challenges people are faced with - the difficulty of finding time to exercise, prepare healthy meals, manage stress and generally live a healthy, well-balanced life. 

I help people to create simple, easy and sustainable changes that fit around their unique lifestyle and priorities. I take a holistic approach, considering stress, nutrition, exercise/movement, self-care, sleep and mindset.

I've spent the last 8 years helping people harness their personal power to create the life and the health they want by balancing career, family and health. 

I'd love to learn more about your health goals and what you'd love to improve about your health. 

Book in a free call